Some classes at the AFLCR use standard textbook sets to guide study. Here is the information you need to purchase these materials on your own. Clicking on the images will take you to product pages on*
Level A1
Édito A1 (2022 edition)
Students will need both the textbook and the workbook. The e-book is optional.
Édito A1 Textbook (no e-book)
ISBN: 978-2278103644
Édito A1 Textbook (with e-book)
ISBN: 978-2278104468
Édito A1 Workbook
ISBN: 978-2278103652
Level A2
Édito A2 (2022 edition)
Students will need both the textbook and the workbook. The e-book is optional.
Édito A2 Textbook (no e-book)
ISBN: 978-2278104109
Édito A2 Textbook (with e-book)
ISBN: 978-2278104116
Édito A2 Workbook
ISBN: 978-2278104123
Level B1
Vite et Bien 2 (2nd edition, 2018)
ISBN: 978-2090385243
Level B2
Cosmopolite 4 (2019)
Cosmopolite 4 Textbook
ISBN: 978-2015135601
Cosmopolite 4 Workbook
ISBN: 978-2015135700
* We understand that not everyone wants to use If this applies to you, then please use these links to identify the book you need. Unfortunately, we are not aware of an alternative online source for new copies of these books at this time.