Forming a French Conversation Group

Informal conversation groups are a great way to practice your French speaking skills, learn new vocabulary and grammar structures, and, perhaps most important, meet new people with whom you can share your love of French language and culture.

Several area groups already exist–check out the listing on our website. If you don’t see one in your area, why not form your own groupe de conversation en français?

You might know some people who would be interested: friends, neighbors, or classmates. You could also try posting on a message board, such as Front Porch Forum, to see if anyone in your area is interested. 

If you’re planning to meet in person, you’ll need to find a location. Coffee shops, restaurants, and cafés are great options. Try to find one that’s not too loud, or select a time when it will be less crowded. Not only will it be easier to hear each other, but you also will find a table and seating much more easily. It’s a good idea to purchase something, whether a drink, a snack, or a meal, to ensure the establishment is happy to continue to welcome you.

Other ideas for meeting places include conference rooms in local senior centers, private areas in libraries (where talking won’t bother other patrons), or picnic areas in parks, during warmer weather.