Week of Events
Social hour via Zoom
Social hour via Zoom
Ellen Sholk will host our online social hour via Zoom on the second Tuesday of each month from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m.
Mardi Gras Party
Mardi Gras Party
Live music by Yankee Chank and Mango Jam Dance floor, snacks, and cash bar. Costumes and dancing are encouraged. Benefits the Tom Sustic Fund. Tickets $15, on sale at SevenDaysTickets.com. For info, contact Mark Sustic at mark.sustic@gmail.com or 802-233-5295 If…
Pause-Midi: Tracing My Québécois Ancestors
Pause-Midi: Tracing My Québécois Ancestors
Several years ago, almost by accident, Dana Baron set out on a journey to trace his ancestors back through time and place. The trail led across the province of Québec all the way to Ile d’Orléans and across the ocean…
Rencontre francophone
Rencontre francophone
Vous êtes cordialement invité à une «Rencontre francophone». Date : 17 février 2024 à 11 h 30 Lieu : Restaurant Quaisar’s 665, 1ere Rue Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu (Iberville), QC Prière de réserver auprès de l’un des membres de l’équipe : Roger Léger role@videotron.ca Stan Bradeen stanatmoonlake@icloud.com bureau :…