African Variety Show: Le plan d’espaces ouverts de Burlington

Le 27 février 2025, le Dr Jules Wetchi a accueilli Sophie Sauvé de la Direction des parcs,…

Africa Day Celebration, May 11

Join Burlington’s Francophone African community in celebration of Africa Day! Presentations and panel discussion! African…

Vermont’s Francophony Celebration 2024

On March 28 Vermont celebrated international francophony on March 28 with a flag-raising at the…

Jules Wetchi: Assisting Francophone African New Vermonters

A talented community leader from the Democratic Republic of Congo

Louisiana French Today / Le français Louisiane d’asteur

Our recent Pause Midi on Louisiana French

Québécois expressions with Marie-Josée Duquette

On March 21 Marie-Joseé Duquette, of the Quebec Delegation to Boston, shared her thoughts about…

Dana Baron on the African Variety Show

 On July 27 Dr. Jules Wetchi hosted our president Dana Baron on the African Variety…

Marie Alexandrine Rasoanantenaina

Lecture by an activist and entrepreneur from Madagascar

Building Community from Madagascar to Vermont

It goes without saying that in Vermont, small businesses are king. According to U.S. Small…