Mission Statement:
The mission of the Alliance Française of the Lake Champlain Region is to promote French language and francophone cultures and to encourage cultural, intellectual, and artistic exchange with the French-speaking world, including francophone Canada.
AFLCR is a 501(c)3 organization and complies with the laws of the State of Vermont.
The AFLCR offers classes in French language and culture; monthly French conversational gatherings; and events throughout Vermont and Québec. Members and subscribers receive a monthly newsletter about cultural events throughout the region, as well as periodic email updates.
The AFLCR is the sole Vermont affiliate of the Federation of Alliances Françaises USA. Founded in 1902, the federation is a network of more than one hundred local U.S. chapters passionate about promoting French language and celebrating Francophone cultures.
The federation, in turn, is a chapter of the Fondation des Alliances Françaises. The fondation was founded in Paris in 1883 by Louis Pasteur, Ferdinand de Lesseps, and Jules Verne to promote the French language and celebrate Francophone cultures. Today it comprises more than eight hundred affiliates located in 137 countries worldwide.