Here are the editions of the textbooks we use in our grammar and conversation classes. Click on the photos, which will take you to their pages on*
A1 Level
We use Edito A1 (Didier, 2nd edition, 2022), a set that includes a textbook (with or without the accompanying e-book) and a workbook.
A2 Level
We use Edito A2 (Didier, 2nd edition, 2022), a set that includes a textbook (with or without the accompanying e-book) and a workbook.
B1 Level
We use Vite et Bien 2 (2nd ed.), (CLE International, 2018)
B2 Level
We use Cosmpolite 4 (Hachette, 2019), a set that includes a textbook and a workbook. The workbook is optional but recommended.
*We understand that not everyone wants to use If this applies to you, then please use these links for identification purposes only. We are not aware of alternative online sources for these new books at this time.