The state of the AFLCR is strong and thriving, reported president Dana Baron, to open our 2024 annual meeting. The language school has seen record enrollments for the winter and spring sessions. So successful are we at the moment that we are straining at the limits of our small space and looking for options for a second space nearby.
Baron, who doubles as chair of the communications and publicity committee, reported that we are advertising on Vermont Public and Seven Days, and that our media (website, newsletter, and social media) are going strong. The website has recently been redesigned.
We are building partnerships with Winooski French Heritage Day, the Vermont International Film Festival, the New World Festival, and Young Tradition Vermont.
Education committee co-chair Patsy Jamieson confirmed that enrollments are up. A year ago, for the winter 2023 session, we had 84 enrollments; for winter 2024, we had 108. This year, she explained, we hired an assistant director, Marc Juneau, to oversee the acquisition of new software.
Our social events are also doing well, reported events committee co-chair Beth Brodie, especially our expanding social hours, our Pause-Midi online lecture series, and two book clubs.
Our treasurer, Bill Pence, has established our first-ever operating budget and reported that our nonprofit “is small but has a strong financial position,” one that allows us to expand thoughtfully.
Membership is up, reported membership coordinator Kim Trinkaus, now standing at 285 members (encompassing both individual and household memberships).
This past year the governance committee, reported chair Marjorie London (who also serves as AFLCR secretary), instituted new policies (1) to regulate the conduct of board business between meetings, and (2) to require our treasurer to set aside funds to build a reserve fund.
The board expressed appreciation for the volunteers: Janet Biehl, Janice Dawley, Ellen Sholk, Erik Trinkaus, and Kim Trinkaus. The membership gave President Baron a standing ovation for his strong and skillful leadership in the past two years. All board members encouraged new volunteers to join us, on whatever basis is convenient. All donated work helps us, even for only an hour or two.
Membership vote: The proposed resolution to amend the bylaws to allow directors to choose terms of different lengths (1, 2, or 3 years) in order to stagger board’s turnover, was passed. It also removed the requirement that officers be recommended by the board for reelection as directors.
New board members: The membership voted to reelect Dana Baron as a board member and to add Janet Biehl and Pam Hunt to the board, raising the number of directors from five to seven.
The meeting was followed by a harp concert by Becky weaver and a wine and cheese reception.
—J. Biehl
Photo by Lise Veronneau.